Workers' Compensation IV (Advanced) $45

This course begins with a module on federal workers compensation programs that adjusters may encounter in their claim handling. You will then learn about contractual relationships that affect commercial liability and workers compensation claims. In self-insurance and self funding module the student will learn about the basics of risk management including risk financing and the principles involved in self-insurance and self-funding. We will provide you with the knowledge to understand serious injuries, state wrongful death statutes, how to investigate and evaluate a death claim, and how to deal with multiple death and injury claims. The course concludes with defining the insurance coverage for Employers Liability and Employment Practices Liability claims, the kinds of claims covered or excluded under these coverages and the state and federal laws that affect and control these claims.

The approximate times to complete each module are listed below. Please keep in mind that times may vary as people learn at their own pace.

1. Federal Workers Compensation Coverages - 25 minutes
2. Self Funded/Self Insured Claims - 36 minutes
3. Serious Injuries & Wrongful Death Claims - 30 minutes
4. Contracts and Construction Contractor Claims - 27 minutes
5. Employers Liability and Employment Practices Liability Claims - 39 minutes

Total Course Approximate Time: 3.25 hours

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