Crime Insurance $35

This course focuses on both personal crime coverage and claims, ranging from home burglaries, street muggings and identity theft to commercial crimes, including burglary, robbery, and loss of money and securities. Special attention is given to adjusting claims for computer fraud, financial crimes, employee dishonesty and other types of loss that affects businesses and even governments. The courses include a discussion of suretyship, ranging from fidelity bonds to fiduciary, court and performance bonds.

The approximate times to complete each module in the course are listed below. Please keep in mind that times vary as people learn at their own pace.

1. Personal Lines Crime Coverage & Claims - 65 minutes
2. Commercial Crime & Fidelity Bonding - 77 minutes
3. Computer-Related and Financial Crime Coverages - 75 minutes

Total Course Approximate Time: 3.62 hours



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